Welcome to KIRWAY

We Can Solve All Your Engineering Needs

At KIRWAY, we offer reliable electronic component distribution services worldwide, providing the most dependable sourcing, price, and availability of electronic parts.

Practical Consultations

We understand your requirements and can recommend the best components, modules, and equipment that will work best for your needs and applications.

One-Stop-Shop For Electrical Parts

We work closely with you every step of the way to ensure that everything is executed flawlessly so you can focus on running your business instead of dealing with logistics.

High-Quality Custom Solutions

We will work closely with you to tailor our services so that they're perfect for your needs - it's what sets KIRWAY apart from other electronic parts distributor companies.

Quality and Assurance

We are distributors of electronic components, cables, connectors, electrical products & tools. Our expert team is here to help and advise you with whatever you need.

Who We Are

We specialize in turning turn any project into a success story

KIRWAY is a #1 electronic component distributor company worldwide where you will get personalized assistance from industry experts. Whether you need assistance selecting a new part or getting a bulk quote, our experienced account managers will take care of you every step of the way.

Let KIRWAY handle all your electronic product needs!

We provide high-quality purchasing solutions combined with deep product and stock chain expertise. Let's understand why we're exactly what you need!